Tuesday, 6 August 2013


I Semester, I B.Sc., Computer Science – Paper I

Programming with ‘C’

Objective: Introduction to computers and programming concepts.

Unit I:                                                                                                 15 hrs
Introduction to computers: characteristics, types of languages, flow charts, algorithms
Fundamentals of C: Introduction, Importance of C, character set, c tokens, keywords and identifiers, constants, variables, data types, declaration of variables, assigning values to variables, defining symbolic constants
Operators and expressions: Introduction, arithmetic of operators, relational operators, logical operators, assignment operators, increment and decrement operators, conditional operators, bitwise operators, special operators, arithmetic expressions, evaluation of expressions, precedence of arithmetic operators, type conversions in expressions, operator precedence and associativity.
Unit II:                                                                                               10hrs
Input / Output Functions:  printf(), putcha(), puts(), scanf(), getchar(), gets functions.
Control Structures:  Introduction, decision making with if statement, simple if statement, the if-else statement, nesting of if-else statements, the else if ladder, switch statement, while statement, do statement, for statement, jumps in loops.                       
Unit III:                                                                                              15hrs
Arrays:  Introduction, one – dimensional arrays, two – dimensional arrays, initializing two- dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays,
Functions:  Built-in functions, standard mathematical functions, sin, cos, tan, log, exp, abs, sqrt, ceil, floor.
String functions: strlen, strcmp, strcpy, strcat, strrev.
User defined functions : Introduction, the general form , return values and their types, calling a function, category of functions, no arguments and no return values, arguments but no return values, arguments with return values.                                      
UNIT IV:                                                                                           10hrs
Storage classes: auto, static, extern, register
Structures: creating structure, declaring a structure variable, structures to functions, Unions.
Pointers: declaration, passing pointer to functions, arrays to pointers.
UNIT V:                                                                                             10hrs
Files – File handling functions, file creation, copy, and display operations

Text Book:
E. Balagurusamy, Programming in Ansi ‘C’, Tata Mc Graw Hill       
Yashwant kanitkar, Let us ‘C’, Tata Mc. Graw Hill

II Semester, I B.Sc., Computer Science - Paper II

Programming with C++ and Data Structure

Objective: To study the Object Oriented Programming concept through C++ and the concept of Data Structure
Unit I [Fundamentals]                                                                                          10hrs
Principles of object oriented programming: Basic Concepts of Object Oriented programming.
C++: Important additional features in C++ over C language defining a class, member functions, data members, static data members, static member function, and friend function.
Unit II [Constructors and Destructors, Operator Overloading, Inheritance]   15hrs
Constructors: Default constructor, parameterized constructor, copy constructor, dynamic constructors, constructor with default arguments, destructors.
Operator overloading: overloading unary and binary operators using member functions, using friend functions, Rules for operator overloading Inheritance and types of Inheritance.
Unit III: [Introduction to Data Structures]                                                        15hrs
Preliniminaries: Introduction, Mathematical notation and functions,
Algorithmic notation Control structures, Complexity of algorithms.
String Processing: Basic Terminology, Storing strings, Character data types, String operations, word processing, Pattern matching algorithm( using substring only) Stacks: Array representation, operations on stack, Arithmetic Expressions (polish notation), Recursion, Towers of Hanoi.
Unit IV: [Queues, Recursion, Linked List, Binary Trees]                               10hrs
Queue: Circular queue, dequeue, priority queue, operations on queue and Circular Queue
 Linked List:  Operations on Linked list (Insertion, deletion, searching) Binary
Trees, traversals of Binary trees and General tree.
Unit V: [Sorting and Searching]                                                                         10hrs
Sorting methods: Bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, quick sort, Merge                     
sort, heap sort and radix sort.
Searching methods:  Linear search, Binary search and hashing techniques.

Prescribed Books:
1.      E. Balagurusamy,'Object Oriented Programming with C++',   
Tata Mc Graw Hill 2nd edition. (Unit I and II)
2.      Seymour Lipschutz, 'Data Structures' (Schaum's outline series),
Tata Mc Graw Hill (Unit III, IV and V)

Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe Augenstein, Aaron M. Taenbaum,­ Data Structures using C and C++'  PHI, Second Edition

II  B. Sc. Computer Science, III Semester, PAPER – III

Database Management System

Objective: Introduction to Database concepts and SQL/PLSQL language
Unit – I                                                                                                           15hrs
Fundamentals of DBMS: Data and Information, Database, File processing, Database approach, DBMS evolution and components, advantages and disadvantages of DBMS,  Instance and Schemas, Architecture of DBMS, Data independence, Role of DBA Data manger File manager and disk manager, Data dictionary, database languages
Data models: Object based models; Record based models, ER model, Notation and developing ER model
Unit – II                                                                                                          10hrs
RDMS: Structure, Data Integrity, relational data manipulation, Relational algebra and calculus, traditional operators, special operators, tuple oriented calculus domain oriented calculus
Unit – III                                                                                                        15hrs
Structured Query language: DDL, DML and DCL statements, Functions in SQL, Sub Queries, Correlated sub queries, Normalization, Objectives, First normal form, Second normal form,  Third normal form,  Boyce Codd normal form,  fourth normal form,  fifth normal form,  sixth normal form, De-normalization
Unit – IV                                                                                                        10hrs
Data warehousing: Introduction, multidimensional data model, data warehouse architecture, implementation, data warehousing to data mining, OLAP, MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP
Unit – V                                                                                                        10hrs
Transaction management: Scheduling of transactions, Conflicts of operations, testing serialigability, Concurrency control, Locking techniques, Concurrency control algorithms, Dead Lock handling, Dead lock prevention, detection and recovery

Prescribed Text Book:

Parteek Bhatia & Gurvinder Singh, ‘Simplified approach to DBMS’, Kalyani Publishers
Paulraj Ponniah , Data Modeling Fundamentals A Practical guide for IT Professionals


 Korth & Silberschatz , ‘Database management systems’ , Tata Mc Graw Hill IV edition

 IV Semester, II B.Sc., Computer Science   Paper – IV

Digital Computer Organization and Introduction to Micro Processor

Objective:  Introduction to sequential and combinational logic and 8086 microprocessor
Unit I                                                                                                  10hrs
Binary system and Boolean algebra
Binary Numbers: Number conversion, Octal and Hexa decimal numbers­, Complements, Binary Codes
Basic Definitions: basic theorems and properties of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions, Canonical and Standard forms, Digital Logic Gates

Unit II                                                                                                10hrs
Simplification of Boolean Functions
The Map method: Two, Three, Four variable Map, Product of sums simplifications, don’t care conditions, NAND and NOR implementation

Unit III                                                                                               15hrs
Combinational Logic
Design procedure: Adders, Sub tractors, Code converters, Decoder, Multiplexers, De-multiplexers, Encoders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Unit IV                                                                                               15hrs
Sequential Logic
Flip flops:  Sequential circuits design procedure, Design of counters, Registers

Unit V                                                                                                 10hrs
Introduction to microprocessors
Types of microprocessors: 8086, 8088, 80186, 80188 and 80286 microprocessors, 8086 internal architecture, 8086 pin diagram

Text Book:

Morris Mano, Digital Logic and Computer Design, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications
Douglas V. Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications


Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Structured Computer Organization, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications

V Semester, III B.Sc., Computer Science; Paper – V

Programming with Java

Unit I:                                                                                                             10hrs
Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming:                        
Object Oriented Paradigm, Basic concepts of OOPs, Benefits of OOPs, and Applications of oops,
Java Evolution: Java history, Java features, Java & Internet, Java & WWW, Web browsers, Hardware & Software sequences.
Overview of Java Language: Java fundamentals, Program structures, Character set, Key words, Identifiers, Java statements.
Unit II:                                                                                                           10hrs
Constants, Variables &Data types: Java constants, variables, Data types, declarations, assigning values to variables, scope of variables, symbolic constants, input values to variables.
Operators and Expressions: Types of Operators, Precedence, Evaluation of expressions, mathematical functions.
Decision making and Branching: If, while, do while, for, break, switch, continue statements, labeled loops.

Unit III:                                                                                                          10hrs
Classes, Objects and Methods: Class definition, creating objects, constructors, method over loading, static members and methods, nesting methods, Inheritance, overriding methods, final variable and methods, classes, abstract methods, classes, visibility modes.
Arrays and strings: One-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays, creating an array, strings arrays, methods.
Interfaces: Multiple Inheritances, Defining interfaces, extending interfaces, implementing interface, accessing interface variables, implementing multiple inheritance with the help of interface.
Unit IV:                                                                                                          15hrs
Package: Putting class together, Java API Packages, creating, using and accessing a package, adding a class to package, hiding classes.
Multi-threaded programming: Creating threads, extending the thread class, stopping and blocking a thread, life cycle of a thread.
Managing Errors and Exceptions: Types of errors, Exceptions, syntax of exception handling code, multiple catch statements using finally statement.

Unit V:                                                                                                           15hrs
Applet Programming:
Building applets, Applet life cycle, Executing applets, passing parameters to applet, displaying numerical values, getting input from user
Graphics Programming:
Graphics class, lines, rectangles, circles, ellipses, polygons, graphs
Managing Files:
Stream classes, byte stream, character stream, creation of files, reading writing characters, reading writing bytes
JDBC, basics of jdbc API
Servelets, Overview, interfacing with client, life cycle


E. Balaguruswamy; Programming with Java a primer; Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications II Edition

Reference book:

The complete reference Java2 – fifth edition

 V Semester III B.Sc., Computer Science, Paper – VI (Elective)

Digital Multimedia

Unit I                                                                                                              6hrs

Enabling Technologies: Digital Representations, Hardware and Software Requirements, Networks, Standards
Introduction to Computer Graphics: vector Graphics and Bitmapped Graphics, Combining Vector and bitmaps, Layers, file formats

Unit II                                                                                                             6hrs

Vector Graphics: Fundamentals, shapes, transformation and filters 3 – D Graphics
Bitmapped Images: Resolution, Image compression, Image manipulation, Geometrical transformation.

Unit III                                                                                                           6hrs

Color: Color and science, RGB color, other color models, channels and color correction, consistent color.
Video: Digitizing Video, streamed video, video standards, introduction to video compression, editing and post-production.

Unit IV                                                                                                           6hrs

Animation: Captured Animation and Image Sequences, Digital cell and sprite animation, key frame animation, web animation and flash, motion graphics 3-D animation- virtual reality.

Unit V                                                                                                             6hrs

Sound: the Nature of sound, digitizing sound, Processing sound, Compression, formats, MIDI, combining sound and picture.

Text Book

Negel Chapman and jenny Chapman, Digital Multimedia, WILEY dream tech India Pvt. Ltd.

V Semester III B.Sc., Computer Science, Paper – VI (Elective)

Web Technology

Objective: introduction to the concept of Internet concepts and Web Designing.

Unit 1                                                                                            6hrs
Introduction to the Internet: Computers in Business Networking, internet E-mail ­Resources Sharing, Gopher, WWW, Usenet, Telnet, Bulletin Board Service, ­Wide Area Information Service
Introduction to Web Design: The anatomy of website, Development Life Cycles, Web Browsers, An Overview of Common Web Technologies and languages, Design and production tools.

Unit II                                                                                           6hrs
Introduction to HTML: Designing a home page, HTML document, Anchor tag ­Hyperlinks, Head and body section, Header section, Title, Prologue, links, colorful pages, comment, body section, heading horizontal ruler, paragraph, tabs, images and pictures, lists and their types, nested lists, table handling.

Unit III                                                                                         6hrs
Frames: Frameset definition, frame definition, nested framesets, Forms and form elements
DHTML and Style Sheets: defining Styles, elements of styles, linking a style sheet to a HTML document, inline styles, External style sheets, internal Style sheets & Multiple Style Sheets.

Unit IV                                                                                         6hrs
Java Script: Introduction, Identifiers, Operators, Functions, Event Handling, Objects, array, math, string, window Object.
Site Delivery and Management: The importance of delivery, web protocols, Domain name service, web servers, outsourcing the web hosting, managing the web servers

Unit V                                                                                           6hrs
XML: Document type definition, Extensible HTML, Extensible style sheet language, Linking language, Forms, Simple object access protocol.

Text Book:
 C. Xavier, "World wide web designing with HTML", Tata McGraw Hill, 2000.

 Reference Book: 
Thomas A. Powell, "The Complete Reference Web Design", Tata McGraw-Hill. 

VI Semester, III B.Sc., Computer Science – Paper VII

Principles of Operating System

Objective: Introduction to Operating system concepts, memory management.

Unit I                                                                                                              10hrs

Computer system structures: Computer system operations, I/O structure, Storage structures, Storage hierarchies, Network structures
Operating System Structure: System Components, Operating System Services, System call, System programs, system structure, system design and Implementations.

Unit II                                                                                                             15hrs

Process concept: process scheduling, operations on process, threads, Inter process Communication.
CPU scheduling: basic concepts-scheduling criteria-scheduling algorithms Process Deadlocks: Deadlock characterization, deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance, deadlock detection and recovery.
Unit III                                                                                                           15hrs  
Memory Management: Logical and Physical address space, Swapping, Contiguous allocation-paging, Segmentations, segmentation with paging, virtual memory, demand paging, page replacement algorithms, thrashing

Unit IV                                                                                                           10hrs

File concepts: Access methods, directory structure, protection, consistency semantics, file system structure, Allocation methods; free space management, disk structure, disk scheduling.

Unit V                                                                                                             10hrs

Security: security problems, Authentication, Program threats, system threats, threat monitoring, encryption.

Text Book:

Schilbertschatz Galvin, “Operating System Concepts” Adission Wesley,
Publisher Fourth edition

VI Semester, III B.Sc., Computer Science – Paper VIII (ELECTIVE)


Unit I:                                                                                                             6hrs    

The evolving role of software: Software process Models, Linear sequential Model, Prototyping Model, RAD Model, Incremental Model, Spiral Model, Agile development
Scrum Methodology, and Fourth Generation Techniques.

Unit II:                                                                                                           6hrs
Software Process and project metrics: Software measurement, Software project planning, Resources, Decomposition techniques, Analysis Concepts and Principles, Software Prototyping, Specification.

Unit III:                                                                                                          6hrs

Analysis Modeling: The Elements of the Analysis Model, Data Modeling, Functional Modeling and Information Flow, Design Concepts and Principles, Design Principles, Design Concepts, Effective Modular Design.

Unit IV:                                                                                                          6hrs

Software Testing Methods: White-box Testing, Basis Path Testing, Black-box testing

Unit V:                                                                                                           6hrs    

Software testing strategies, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Validation Testing, System Testing, The art of Debugging, and overview of automated testing.

Text Book:
 Software Engineering a Practitioner approach, Roger S. Pressman, Tata Mc Graw
Hill (IV Edition.)
Agile development, Scrum Methodology (VI Edition)


Fundamentals of Software Engineering – Rajib Mall

VI Semester III B.Sc., Computer Science, Paper – VIII (Elective)

Data Communication and Networking

Unit I                                                                                                  8hrs
Introduction: Data communication, network, protocols and standards, standards organization
Basic Concepts:
Line configuration, topology, transmission modes, categories of networks, inter network
OSI model:
Model, functions of seven layers

Unit II                                                                                                 6hrs
Analog and digital signals, a-periodic and periodic signals, analog signals, digital signals
Transmission media:
Guided media, unguided media
Frequency division multiplexing, time division multiplexing, WDM

Unit III                                                                                               6hrs
Local area Networks:
Project 802, Ethernet, Token bus, Token ring, FDDI

Unit IV                                                                                               6hrs

Metropolitan Networks:
Distributed queue dual bus, SMDS
Circuit switching, packet switching, message switching

Unit V                                                                                                 4hrs
Networking and Internetworking Devices:                                               
Repeaters, bridges, routers, gateways, firewall & routing algorithms

Text Book:
Behrouz Forouzan, Introduction to Data Communication and Networking, Tata Mc Graw Hill II Edition.

Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Tata Mc Graw Hill

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