Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Old Qiestion Papers


I Semester End Examination Model Paper
I B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-I

Programming in ‘C’
Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max .Marks:100

Section – A
Answer All Questions                                                                                   5 x 16 = 80

1.         a)   Explain symbols of flow chart.                                                     10m    
b)  Explain different data types available in ‘C’.                                6m
c)      Explain different types of operators available in ‘C’.                   12m
d)     Explain various types of languages.                                              4m
2.         a)  Describe Input functions available in ‘C’.                                     12m
b)  Explain switch statement with an example.                                  4m
c) Explain loop structures in ‘C’ with examples.                                12m
d) Explain Jumps in loops with and example.                                    4m
3.         a)  Write a program to multiply two matrices.                                    12m
b)  Explain String Functions with examples.                                      4m
            c) Explain call by value call by reference parameter passing methods.10m               d) Write a program to sort elements in an array.                           6m

4.      a)  Explain the differences and similarities between structure and union with             an example.                                                                             12m
b)  Explain pointers to functions.                                                        4m
c) Explain storage classes available in ‘C’ with examples.                 12m
d)     Write a program to create a structure for an employee with fields Eno, Ename & Sal.                                                                     4m      

5.         a)  Write a program to create student file with fields Sno, Sname & Mark. 10m
b)  Explain file handling functions.                                                    6m
c) Write a program to copy one file to another.                                  12m
d)     Explain file display operations.                                                     4m

Section – B

6. Write the missing word / words in the answer booklet.             10 x 1 = 10

a.       The step wise representation of a program is  _______________
b.      Ternary operator is  _____________________
c.       _____________ is used to define symbolic constants.
d.      Printf function returns ________________
e.        Array subscript always start at _____________
f.       String function to combine two strings is _______________________
g.      All C programs must have _______________ function.
h.      Function used for dynamic deallocation of memory is  ___________________
i.        Function used to random access a file is  _______________
j.        Operator used to access structure member is _______________

7. Choose the correct answer and write in the answer booklet                 10 x 1=10
a.       Identify loop construct
i) If else                 ii) switch                     iii) go to           iv) while
  1. Which is not a keyword in C
i) Const                       ii) main                        iii) size             iv) void
  1. String constant are represented with in
i) Double quotes                      ii) single quote             iii) \* and *\     iv) //
  1. Escape sequence character for tab
i) \n                              ii)   \t                            iii) \f                iv)\o
  1. Equality operator is represented by
i):=                               ii) =                             iii) ==                         iv)! =
      f.   % operator gives
            i) Quotient                   ii) remainder                iii) percentage     iv) fraction
      g.   Recursion is
            i) Function calls itself              ii) function calls another function
            iii) Function within a function                        iv) none
    h.   File is
            i) a data type   ii) a region if storage    iii) both options a and b     iv) a variable
    i.   The program execution starts from
            i) Function first defined          ii) function last defined
iii) Main ()                               iv) function other than main
     j.   Header file contains
            i) Commands   ii) library functions      iii) c operatories           iv) keywords

II Semester End Examination - Model Paper
I B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-II
Programming with C++ and Data Structure
Time: 3Hrs                                                                                  Max .Marks:100

Section – A

Answer all                                                                                          20 x 1 = 20

  1. The operator used to access the global value of a variable is _______________
  2. Wrapping of data and functions in a class is called _____________________
  3. _______________ and ___________________ are manipulators.
  4. A class for which no objects can be created is _________________________
  5. Return data type for a constructor is ______________________
  6. Prefix of ( a + b / c * d) – e * f is _______________________
  7. A queue in which insertions are done on both sides and deletions are done on one side is ___________________________
  8. Time complexity of heap sort is _________________________
  9. A situation where two keys generate same address is called _______________
  10. A tree in which each node has either 0 or 2 children is ___________________
  11. Complexity of binary search is
a)      O(log n)                 b) O(n log n)               c) O(n2)                       d) O(n)
  1. Initial value of  a static data member is
a) 1                  b) NULL                     c) 0                              d) None
  1. By default class members are
a)      Public        b) Private                     c) Protected                 d) Not known
  1. Operator function for unary operator overloading using friend has
a)  1 argument b) No arguments         c) 2 arguments             d) 3 arguments
  1. Queue is
a)      LIFO         b) FIFO                       c) FILO                       d) LILO
  1. ADT stands for
a) abstract data type      b) associate data tool                c) abstract design tool             d) associate design type

      17. String function to extract a part of a string is
            a)  index                      b) concat                     c) substring                  d) length
      18. Exchange sort is
            a)  quick                      b) bubble                     c) heap                         d) insertion
      19. Linking function call to code during runtime is
            a) dynamic binding     b) data binding      c) dynamic linking     d) data linking
      20. Inheritance with one base and many derived classes is
            a)  hybrid         b) multilevel                c) multiple                   d) hierarchical

Section – B

Answer All Units                                                                               5 x 16 = 80
All Units Carry Equal Marks
1.      a) Explain the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming.       12m
b) What is friend function? Write properties.                                     4m      
c) Explain the different Control Structures in C++ with examples.   12m    
            d) Explain static member and static data with example.                    4m
2.      a) Write a C++ program for multiplication of two matrices using operator overloading.                                                                                          10m
b) Write short notes on inheritance.                                                    6m
c) Explain the different types of constructors with suitable example. 12m  
d) What is destructor explain with example?                                         4m  
  1. a) Write the algorithm for pattern matching and explain the following string operations with examples.                                                                     12m
i) Substring      ii) Index          iii) Insert          iv) delete         v) Replace
            b) Write the algorithm for Push and Pop operations of Stack.              4m   
c) Write the algorithm to convert the infix expression into postfix expression and explain it with an example.                                                              10m
d) Explain the Tower of Hanoi problem and write the recursive algorithm.  6m
  1. a) Write a C++ program for the implementation of Circular Queue.      12m
b) Write the algorithm to insert a node in a linked linear list                   4m 
c) What are the three different binary tree traversals and write the algorithm for three traversals.                                                                           12m    
d) Write short notes on Priority Queue.                                              4m

  1. a) Explain the algorithm of quick sort with example.                         12m
b) Explain the algorithm of selection sort                                           4m
c) Explain the algorithm of Heap Sort with example                         12m
d) Write any three Hash functions and explain.                                 4m

III Semester End Examination Model Paper
II B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-III

Database Management System

Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max .Marks:100

Section – A

Answer all Questions                                                                                    5 x 16 = 80

1.      a) Explain architecture of DBMS.                                                      12m
b) Write the functions of DBA.                                                          4m
c) Explain the basic constructs of ER diagram.                                  10m
d) Write about data models.                                                               6m

  1. a) Explain the different types of relational operators.                                    12m
b) Briefly explain relational calculus.                                                  4m
c) Briefly explain Codd rules.                                                             12m
d) Write about relational integrity rules                                              4m

  1. a) Explain different types of joins with examples.                             12m
b) Write classification of SQL commands.                                         4m
            c) Explain 3NF and BCNF normal forms.                                          10m
            d) Write about De-normalization                                                        6m

  1. a) Explain architecture of data ware house                                         10m
b) Write about multi dimensional data model                                                6m
c) Explain terms OLAP, MOLAP, ROLAP, and HOLAP                12m
            d) Write about data mining                                                                 4m

  1. a) What is a transaction? Explain its properties with examples.         12m
b) Explain scheduling of a transaction.                                                4m
            c) Explain concurrency control algorithms.                                        12m
            d) Explain dead lock handling                                                            4m

Section – B

6.      Write the missing word / words in the answer booklet                  10 x 1 = 10

a.       The overall design of the database is called _______________
  1. Data about data is ________________________
  2. The number of rows in a relational table is __________________
  3. An entity whose existence depends on another entity is _____________
  4. Multi-valued attribute in an ER diagram is represented by ______________
  5. A primary key made of more than one attribute is ________________
  6. A virtual table used to extract data from two or more tables is _____________
  7. WFF is __________________
  8. ______________command is used to make changes permanent.
  9. A situation where every transaction is waiting for another transaction is _____

7.      Choose the correct answer and write the answer booklet             10 x 1 = 10
      a. DBMS suffers from
i) Cost             ii) Complexity                         iii) Size                        iv) ALL
b.      Language to grant privileges is
i) DML                        ii) DDL                       iii) DCL                       iv) TCL
  1. An attribute broken into smaller components is
i) Simple          ii) complex                  iii) derived                   iv) composite
  1. Relational algebra is
i) procedural    ii) Non procedural       iii) commercial iv) complex
  1. Command to delete a table
i) delete           ii) update                     iii) drop                       iv) insert
  1. 4NF refers to
i) Primary key        ii) multi valued dependencies              iii) candidate key
iv) Functional dependencies
      g . A schedule that contains abort or commit is
            i) serial ii) complete                 iii) non serial                iv) equivalent
      h.  A phase in which all locks are released
            i) growing           ii) shrinking             iii) cascading               iv) time stamp
      i.  Components of DBMS are
            i) data             ii) hardware                 iii) software                   iv) all
      j.  Oracle data type to represent string is
            i)  number        ii) varchar2                  iii) date                        iv) string

IV Semester End Examination Model Paper
II B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-IV
Digital Computer Organization and Introduction to Micro Processor

Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max .Marks:100

Section – A

Answer all                                                                                          20 x 1 = 20

1. A gate is a logic circuit with one or more input signal but how many output signals
 a) two                   b) double                      c) one                          d) more
2.   A NOR gate has high output only when the input bits are
 a) low                   b) high             c) some low some high     d) All of the above
3.   For the circuit the value of input A=B=0 what is Y value

a)                 1                b)  0                 c) 0 or 1                      d) none of the above
 4.  The XOR operator is
       a) associative, commutative                        b) distributive over AND operator c
      c) both (a) and (b)                                      d) none of the above
5.   Which of the following Boolean algebra expression is incorrect?
         a) A + 0 =A                 b) A.1 =1             c) A + A =1               d) A . A’ =0
6.    The simplified form of the Boolean expression (x+y+xy) (x+y)
        a) x + y + z                      b) xy + yz                     c) x + yz                       d) xz + y

7.     The number of canonical expressions that can be developed over a
              3- Valued Boolean algebra is
         a) 8                                  b) 16                           c) 32                            d) 64
  8.     The function represented by the Karnaugh map given in the figure below is
                              B’C’ B’C  BC   BC’
                    A’B’   1          0       0    1 
                     AB     1          0       0    1  
          a) AB    b) AB+BC+CA                      c) B Å C                         d) ABC
9. Which of the following unit will choose to transform decimal number to binary                                          code
      a) Encoder              b) Decoder                 c) Multiplexer              d) Demultiplexer
10.  A Demultiplexer is also known as
      a) data selector       b)data distributor       c)multiplexer              d)encoder
11.  How many full adders are required to construct an m-bit parallel adder?
       a) m/2                                b)m-1                          c)m                  d)m + 1
12.  64 X 1 Multiplxer required _____ selection lines.
       a) 6                       b)8                   c)  4                             d) none of the above
13. Flip flop outputs are always
       a) complimentary                         b) same            c) independent of each other              d) same as inputs
14. When an inverter is placed between both inputs of an SR flip-flop, the resulting
         Flip-flop is
     a) JK flip-flop        b) D flip flop   c) T flip-flop    d) Master slave flip flop
15. The following circuit is having predefined inputs
      a) Counters                         b) registers                  c) Flip Flops     d) All the above
 16. A device that can accept data hold them and deliver them on demand
       at a later time is known as
      a) Buffer               b) Memory                  c) CPU                        d) Counter
 17.  Which of the following is a 16 bit microprocessor?
       a) 8085        b) 8086                     c) 80286                                   d) 80386
 18.  Assembly language instructions are known as
        a) Keywords        b) reserved words      c) mnemonics             d) machine bytes
 19.  Which of the following interrupt ha the highest priority?
         a) RST 5.5                         b) RST 7.5                c) TRAP                      d)INTR  
 20. Process status word is also known as
        a) Address register          b) Flag registers                      c) Memory register                 d) program counter
Section – B
Answer All Units                                                                               5 x 16 = 80
All Units Carry Equal Marks
21.  a) Explain digital logic gate with its truth table.                                      12m
b) Convert the following No.’s into equivalent base                           4m
a) (152.25)10…… (?)2  b) (11A.BB) 16……. (?)8
c) (45.74)8…….. (?)2               d) (1111.12)10…… (?)16
c) Write about binary codes.                                                               8m
d) Explain De-Morgan’s laws.                                                            4m
e) Perform the following 1’s complement subtraction.                       4m
                i) 156 -120                     ii) 67 – 35
22. a) Simplify the following function with K map technique and implement the logical  circuit with NAND gate                                                                              12m
F(A,B,C,D) = ∑(1,4,5,6,7,9,11,15)
      b)    Write about don’t care conditions with example.                              4m
a)      Explain universal properties NAND or NOR gates.                            12m
b)      Write about Min and Max Terms.                                                         4m
23. a) Design BCD to Gray code converter circuit.                                        12m
b) Explain the function of 3 into 8 decoder circuit.                                 4m
      c) Design a full adder circuit using two half adder circuits.                      8m
      d) Design 4 x 1 multiplexer and explain its function.                                8m
24. a) Explain the functioning of the JK and Master slave
             Flip flop with neat circuit diagram.                                                   12m
       b)    Write applications of counters.                                                            4m
 c) Explain the working of bidirectional shift register with neat diagram. 12m
 d) Write a short note on Johnson counter.                                               4m
25. a) Explain the internal architecture of 8086 microprocessor with neat diagram. 12m
b) Describe different types of microprocessors.                                                   4m
      c) Explain the pin diagram of 8086 microprocessor.                                  10m
      d) Briefly write about 8086 Interrupts                                                       6m

V Semester End Examination Model Paper
III B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-V
Programming with Java
Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max .Marks:100

Section – A

Answer all                                                                                          20 x 1 = 20
  1. A program that allows you to view web documents  _______________
  2. A class which cannot be inherited is ________________________
  3. We can call functions written in another language with  __________________
  4. We can pass values to arguments during runtime using _____________
  5. JVM means ______________
  6. Defining a method in subclass with same name and type as that of a method in super class is ________________
  7. Java application embedded in HTML document is  _____________
  8. Set of classes and interfaces is  __________________
  9. Class Vector belongs to ___________ package.
  10. Process of executing two or more tasks concurrently is _____________
  11. API stands for
a) Application process interface          b) Application program interface                    c) Application procedure interface          d) Application product interface
  1.  The development tools for coding, debugging and running applications are in
a) JDBC                      b) JDK                                    c) JVM            d) API
  1. By default class members have ____________ access
a) public          b) private                     c) protected                 d) friendly
  1. Operator used to create instance of a class
a) new             b) alloc                        c) malloc                      d) calloc
  1. Thread method used to block a thread
a) start             b) stop                         c) sleep                        d) run
  1. Exceptions are used to handle ____________ error
a) compile time        b) run time               c) syntax                 d) functional
      17. Method invoked by system when applet is initially loaded is
            a) paint            b) start                         c) init                           d) run
      18. User defined exceptions are raised using
            a)  try                  b) catch                    c) throw                       d) finally
      19. Driver used to connect java application to database
            a) ODBC                     b) JDBC            c) OLEDB                              d) ADODB
      20. Java does not support _____________ inheritance
            a)  multilevel               b) hierarchical              c) multiple                   d) single

Section – B

Answer All Units                                                                               5 x 16 = 80
All Units Carry Equal Marks
21.  a) Explain the features of Java.                                                           12m
b) Explain java virtual machine.                                                          4m
            c) Explain Java program structure with an example.                          12m
            d) Explain interaction of java with web.                                            4m
22.  a) Explain Java data types with examples.                                         12m
b) Explain abstract methods with example.                                        4m
c) Write a java program to multiply two matrices.                              12m
d) Write a program to print prime numbers below 100.                      4m
  1. a) Explain implementation of multiple inheritances using an interface with example.                                                                                               12m
b) Write a program to sort elements in an array.                                 4m
            c) Explain String methods with examples.                                         12m    
            d) Explain vector methods with example.                                          4m
  1. a) Explain the life cycle of a thread with neat diagram.                     12m
b) Explain steps in exception handling.                                              4m
c) Explain procedure to create and access a package with example.12m
            d) Write about priority threads.                                                          4m
  1. a) Write a java program to create an applet to take user input.           12m
b) Write program to copy characters from one file to another.           4m
c) Write a java program to interact with student database using JDBC.12m
d) Explain any four drawing methods.                                               4m

V Semester End Examination Model Paper
III B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-VI (Elective)

Digital Multimedia
Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max Marks: 100

Section -A

Answer all                                                                                          20 x 1 = 20

1.      Converting analogue signal into digital signal is known as ___________.
  1. Multimedia is the collection of
a) Text             b) image          c) Sound& animation             d) all the above
8. Photoshop is
 a) Image editor     b) Text editor  c) Sound editor          d) none of the above
4. The basic element of an image on the screen is known as________.
5. JPEG means__________________
6. The basic colors are _____________________
7. The CMYK mode consist ___________________ colors.
8. MEPG means_______________
9. Analogue video standards are
a) MPEG                       b) AVI          c) NTSC & PAL           d) SWF
10.    In animation a graphical representation of sequence of frames are known as _________________
      11. Graphical objects stored in a library in a special form called a _________
12. ________is the study of the motion of bodies without reference to mass or force.
13. VRML is _________________________
14. The effect of ___________is to introduce noise into the reconstructed signal.
15. _______________filter removes a single narrow frequency band.
16. MIDI is _________________________________
17. Digitization process consists ________________ and __________________.
 18. Vector images consist ___________________and _________________.
 19. Converting vector images into bitmapped image is known as ________________process.
 20. _________________is a component performing the compression and decompression of video signals

Section – B

Answer All Units                                                                               5 x 16 = 80
All Units Carry Equal Marks

21.       a)Explain Digitization Process                                                            6m
      b) Briefly write about the different hardware and software’s requirements for 
          Multimedia system                                                                          10m
            c) Explain the different computer graphics file formats.                    12m
d) Describe three significant differences between vector and bitmapped graphics.                                                                                      4m
22.        a) Explain the 3D modeling and rendering techniques.                     12m
b) Briefly write about the transformation and filters of vector graphics. 4m
            c) Explain the Different Bit Mapped Image Compression technique. 12m
            d) Explain the resolution of bitmapped images.                                 4m
23.        a) Explain the different color modes and their features.                   12m
             b) Write a short note Color Depth.                                                    4m
a)      Write about the Digital video Editing and post-production.       8m
b)      Briefly write about digital video standards                                 8m
24.        a) Explain the captured animation and key framed animation        10m
       b) What is known as virtual reality? Explain it.                                 6m
a)      Explain web animation.                                                                10m
b)      Explain 3D animation.                                                                 6m
25 .       a) Explain the different Digital Sound filters.                                   10m
b) Briefly write about mp3 and MIDI format                                   6m
             a) Explain different audio file formats.                                             10m
             b) Write short notes on sound digitization.                                       6m

V Semester End Examination Model Paper
III B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-VI (Elective)

Web Technology
Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max Marks: 100

                                                            Section – A
Answer All                                                                                         20 x 1 = 20
  1. The _______________ refers to millions of computers, connected through the international network and communicate via TCP/IP
  2. The program that display the web programs in the client system is called________________________
  3. The < img > tag includes __________________ attributes to specify a text in place of image if the browser does not support images.
  4.  Every HTML document has two sections namely_______________ and _______________
  5. CSS stands for ______________
  6. Property is used to change the background color ________________
  7. How can you add a comment in a javascript? _____________
  8.  __________________is the method used to display a dialog box in the document window
  9. XML is designed to ___________________ data.
  10. XML is based on ________________
  11. The URL consists of three parts. They are ________, ________ and ________
a) Protocol, path, domain name          b) path, protocol, domain name         
c) Protocol, domain name, path          d) Domain name, path, protocol
  1. __________________is an international hypertext system
a) XML                       b) WAP                       c) WWW                     d) ASP
  1. Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading
a) <Heading>             b) <h6>                       c) <h1>                        d) <head>
  1. What is the preferred way for adding background color
a) <background>Yellow</background           b) <body background=”yellow”>       c) <body style=”background-color: yellow”>   d)<background=”yellow”>
  1. What is the correct HTML for referring to an external style sheet?
a) <style src=”alc.css”>
b) <link rel=”style sheet” href=”alc.css” type=”text/css”>    
c) <Style sheet>alc.css</style sheet> d) none
  1. Which HTML tag is used to define an inter style
a) <script>                    b) <css>                      c) <style>        d) <ol>
      17. What is the correct java script syntax to write hello world
            a) response. write (“hello world”)       b) document. write (“hello world”)
            c) “hello world”                                  d) (“hello world”)

   18. How do create a function in JavaScript?
            a)  myfunction()   b) function myfunction()   c) function=mayfunction()                  d) none of the above.
      19. Empty elements are elements
            a) With no attributes  b) with no content     c) with no closing tag      d)none
      20 .The use of DTDS in XML document is
a) During application interchange b) during application transfer across net
c) all of the above                        d) none of the above

Section – B

Answer All Units                                                                               5 x 16 = 80
All Units Carry Equal Marks
21.  a) Explain the important capabilities of Internet.                               12m
b) Write short note on browser.                                                          4m
            c) Explain the Development life cycle of web site.                            10m
d) Explain the applications of Internet.                                              6m
22    a) Explain all the attributes of table tag with syntax.                         12m
b) Explain nested list with example.                                                   4m      
            c) Explain all the attributes of anchor tag with an example.               10m
            d) Write short note on image map with example.                               6m
22.  a) Explain form elements with example.                                             10m    
b) Explain the process of linking a style sheet.                                   6m
            c) Explain different types of style sheets.                                          12m
            d) Describe the frameset tag with example                                        4m      
24.  a) Define protocol. Explain different types of web protocols.           8m
b) Write about web hosting.                                                               8m
            c) Explain any five events handling with examples.                           12m
            d) Explain string function with example.                                           4m
  1. a) Explain Simple object access protocol.                                           12m    
b) Write about extensible HTML.                                                       4m
            c) Explain legal elements of XML document.                                    12m    
            d) Write a short note on XLink.                                                         4m

VI Semester End Examination Model Paper
III B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-VII

Principles of Operating System
Time: 3Hrs                                                                                  Max Marks: 100

Section – A
Answer All                                                                                                    20 x 1 = 20
  1. Operating System means ------------.
  2. The delay between job submission and job completion is called -------------.
  3. ---------------- is a program in execution.
  4. ----------------- is the solution for the critical section problem for complex problems.
  5. The logical memory is broken into fixed size blocks called -----------------.
  6. Thrashing means ----------------------------.
  7. The ----------------- is the time for the disk arm to move the heads to the cylinder containing the desired sector?
  8. Access to a page marked invalid causes a ----------------.
  9. Paired passwords are ---------------------------.
  10. A code segment that misuses its environment is called ------------------------.
  11. The CPU is often idle in -------------------- systems.
a) Simple Batch      b) Multiprogrammed   c) Time sharing    d) Parallel.
       12. The ------------------- register holds the smallest legal physical memory  
              a) Index         b) relocation                             c) Base               d) Limit
       13. Instructions are being executed in ------------ state.
             a) New                  b) Ready                  c) Running                                d) waiting
       14. The -------------- scheduler selects processes from job pool and loads them
             into memory for execution.
             a) Job scheduler       b) CPU scheduler       c) short - term       d) medium- term
       15. The light weight process is called -----------------------
              a) Process                   b) Thread              c) program          d) active process
       16. If process P1 is executing in its critical section, then no other processes can
              be executing in their critical section called -------------------------------
              a) Race condition        b) critical section      c) Mutual exclusion    d) progress
       17. The solution for the starvation is -------------------------.
              a) Preemption              b) No Preemption         c) Aging           d) Deadlock
      18. A -------------- file is a sequence of characters organized into lines.
              a) Text              b) Source               c) Object              d) Executable         
       19. TLB stands for ------------------------
               a) Transfer look Buffers                   b) Translation look aside buffers 
               c) Transfer look aside buffers          d) Translation look buffers.
       20. The example for user knowledge is ---------------------------
              a) a key           b) Finger print                c)signature                     d) password     
                                                            Section – B

Answer All Units                                                                               5 x 16 = 80
All Units Carry Equal Marks
1.      a) Explain I/O protection, memory protection and CPU protection.12m
b) Explain the DMA structure            .                                                           4m
            c) Explain the OS services and System calls  .                                   12m
            d) Briefly write about the system programs.                                      4m
2.      a) Explain the CPU scheduling criteria’s and different scheduling algorithms.
b) Explain inter process communication.                                            4m
c) Explain Deadlocks with an example.                                              12m
d) Explain the structure of PCB.                                                        4m
  1. a) Explain the paging Memory Management scheme.                        12m
b) Explain the first fit, best fit & worst fit allocation algorithms.      4m
c) Explain the Virtual Memory with Demand page Memory management scheme.                                                                                      12m
d) Explain the internal fragmentation and external fragmentation with neat diagram.                                                                                              4m
  1. a) Explain the different directory structures.                                      12m
b) Briefly write file allocation methds.                                               4m
            c) Explain the Disk Structure and its scheduling procedures.            12m
            d) Briefly write about free space management.                                  4m
  1. a) Explain the different types of system threads.                               12m
b) Explain the four levels of security measures.                                 4m
            c) Explain the encryption technique.                                                  12m
            d) Briefly write about Bio-Metrics.                                                    4m

VI Semester End Examination Model Paper
III B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-VIII (Elective)

Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max .Marks:100

Section – A

Answer all                                                                                          20 x 1 = 20
  1. Software does not ------------------.
  2. ---------------- tool automatically generates source code based on developers specification.
  3. ----------------- is the example for system software.
  4. A prototype serves as a rough demonstration of requirements called -----------------approach.
  5. Data Dictionary means----------------------------.
  6. The process of elaboration is called --------------------.
  7. BVA stands for ----------------------------
  8. Basis path testing is a ------------------------- testing.
  9. Regression testing means --------------------.
  10. The process of removing the errors in a program is called --------------------
  11. A “Quick design” occurs at --------------------- model.
a) Linear sequential   b) Spiral     c)    Prototyping             d)RAD
       12. The requirements gathering process is focused on -------------- phase.
            a) Analysis          b) Design                c) Coding               d) Testing
       13. Size oriented metric is --------------------- measure.
              a) Direct                   b) Indirect              c) Tangible      d) Intangible
       14. SEE stands for ---------------------------------
             a) Software Environment Excellent      b) Software Engineering Environment
             c) Software Environment Estimation    d) Software Equivalence Environment        
       15. ------------------- gives the relation between entities and attributes.
           a) Data Dictionary          b) DFD        c) ERD      d) STD
       16. The relative functional strength of a module is known as -----------------------
            a) Abstraction         b) Refinement           c) Cohesion            d) Coupling
       17. Flow graph notation is used in -------------- testing.
             a) Black –box     b) White – box             c) Stress                 d) Unit
       18. Test Driver is a -------------------------program.
              a) Stub           b) Control                   c) Dummy          d) Actual
       19. Integration testing is conducted at ------------------ phase.
             a) Requirements           b) Design          c) Coding      d) System Engineering
      20. The ------------- test is conducted at the developer’s site by a customer.
            a) Alpha                       b) Beta           c) System          d) Recovery   

Section – B

Answer All Units                                                                               5 x 16 = 80
All Units Carry Equal Marks

21.  a) Explain about spiral model.                                                12m
b) Explain about software applications.                                  4m
            c) Explain about software measurement.                                12m                
            d) Discuss the RAD model in detail.                                      4m
22.  a) Explain about decomposition techniques.                          12m
b) Explain about E-R diagrams.                                              4m
            c) Explain various resources of software Engineering.           12m
            d) Explain about DFD’s.                                                        4m
  1. a) Explain various design concepts.                                        12m
b) What are the various design principles? Explain.               4m
            c) Discuss the concepts of cohesion and coupling.                 12m
            d) Explain about software prototyping.                                  4m
  1. a) What is testing? Explain about white box testing.             12m
b) Explain the black box testing.                                            4m
            c) Explain basis path testing.                                                  12m
            d) Write a short note on testing tool.                                      4m
  1. a) Explain about integration and system testing.                    12m
b) Discuss about debugging?                                                  4m
            c) Explain unit testing and validation testing.                                    12m
            d) Write about automated testing.                                          4m

VI Semester End Examination Model Paper
III B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-VIII (Elective)

Data Communication and Networking
Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max Marks: 100

Section – A

Answer all                                                                                    20 x 1 = 20
  1. The way in which devices are connected to a link is called _______________
  2. Rules that govern the data communication system are___________________
  3. Time taken to transmit one bit is  __________________
  4. Signals that repeat same pattern  over time are _____________
  5. Transmitting high power signal through multiple low power data lines is ____
  6. Allocation of channel when mobile moves from one cell to another is _______
  7. SMDS means _____________
  8. PDU means ________________
  9. Phenomenon used in fiber optic cables is_____________________
  10. Attenuation means ______________________
  11. Message can be
a) text              b) video           c) audio                       d) ALL
  1. Transmission mode where signal travel in one direction only
a) simplex        b) duplex         c) half duplex              d) full duplex
  1. Multiplexing applied in fiber optic cables is
a) FDM           b) WDM          c) TDM           d) XDM
  1. Bit interval is
a) bits/sec                    b) bytes/sec          c) bits/hr                 d) bytes/hr
  1. Problem with circuit switching is
a) interference             b) blocking        c) attenuation            d) cost
  1. Protocol converter is ___________
a) repeater       b) bridge       c) router            d) gateway
      17. A network with an organization is
            a) internet        b) inter-network          c) intranet        d) extranet
      18. Access method of Ethernet is
            a)  MA                b)  CSMA                c) CSMA/CD              d) CD
      19. Number of cycles per second is
            a) period          b) phase      c) frequency      d) amplitude
      20. Segmentation and reassembly is job of
            a) session layer        b)transport layer      c)network layer       d)application layer

Section – B

Answer All Units                                                                               5 x 16 = 80
All Units Carry Equal Marks
21.  a) Explain ISO OSI model with a diagram.                                       12m
b) Explain network criteria.                                                                4m
            c) Explain network topologies with merits and demerits.                  12m
            d) Explain standards organizations.                                                    4m
22.  a) Explain Guided media.                                                                   12m
b) Explain analog signals.                                                                   4m
            c) Explain Time division multiplexing.                                               12m
            d) Explain classification of radio wave spectrum.                              4m
  1. a) Explain implementations of Ethernet.                                            12m
b) Write about FDDI.                                                                         4m
            c) Write access methods and frame formats of token ring.                12m
            d) Briefly write about Project 802.                                                     4m
  1. a) Explain circuit switching.                                                               12m
b) Explain packet switching.                                                               4m
            c) Explain functioning of DQDB.                                                      12m
            d) Explain SMDS.                                                                              4m
  1. a) Explain Networking and Internetworking devices.                        12m    
b) Write about firewall.                                                                       4m
c) Write Link state routing algorithm.                                                8m      
            d) Explain distance vector routing algorithm.                                                8m


I Semester End Examination Model Paper
I B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-I
Programming in ‘C’
Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max .Marks:100
Section – A

Answer All Questions                                                                      5 x 12 = 60

  1. Explain symbols of flow chart.
            Explain different types of operators available in ‘C’.
  1. Describe Input functions available in ‘C’.
            Explain loop structures in ‘C’ with examples.
  1. Write a program to multiply two matrices.
            Explain call by value call by reference parameter passing methods.  .
  1. Explain the differences and similarities between structure and union with an example.
Explain storage classes available in ‘C’ with examples.
  1. Write a program to create student file with fields Sno, Sname & Mark.
            Write a program to copy one file to another.

                                                            Section – B

Answer All Questions                                                                       5 x 4 = 20

  1. Explain different data types available in ‘C’.
            Explain various types of languages.
  1. Explain switch statement with an example.
            Explain Jumps in loops with and example.
  1. Write a program to sort elements in an array.
            Explain String Functions with examples.
  1. Explain pointers to functions.
Write a program to create a structure for an employee with fields Eno, Ename & Sal.
  1. Explain file handling functions.
            Explain file display operations.

Section – C

Answer all Questions                                                                        10 x 2 = 20

  1. Define algorithm & flowchart.
  2. What is ternary operator?
  3. Differentiate between while and do-while.
  4. How to initialize double dimensional array?
  5. List any two math functions.
  6. What is type conversation?
  7. What is symbolic constant? Write syntax to define a symbolic constant.
  8. What is a file?
  9. Differentiate pre & post increment.
  10. What is a function? Write syntax to define a function.

II Semester End Examination Model Paper
I B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-II
Programming with C++ and Data Structure

Time: 3Hrs                                                                                  Max .Marks:100

Section – A

Answer All Questions                                                                                   5 x 12 = 60

  1. Explain the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming.
            Explain the different Control Structures in C++ with examples.
  1. Write a C++ program for multiplication of two matrices using operator overloading.
      Explain the different types of constructors with suitable example.
  1. Write the algorithm for pattern matching and explain the following string operations with examples.
i) Substring      ii) Index          iii) Insert          iv) Delete        v) Replace
Write the algorithm to convert the infix expression into postfix expression and explain it with an example.
  1. Write a C++ program for the implementation of Circular Queue.
What are the three different binary tree traversals and write the algorithm for three traversals.
  1. Explain the process of quick sort with example. Write a C++ program to perform quick sort method.
Explain the process of Heap Sort method with example. Write C++ program to implement Heap Sort method.

Section – B

Answer All Questions                                                                                   5 x 4 = 20

  1. What is friend function? Write properties.
            Explain static member and static data with example.
  1. What is destructor explain with example?
            Write short notes in inheritance.
  1. Write the algorithm for Push and Pop operations of Stack.
            Explain the Tower of Hanoi problem and write the recursive algorithm.
  1. Write the algorithm to insert a node in a linked linear list
            Write short notes on queue, Circular Queue, Priority Queue.
  1. Explain the process of Merge sort algorithm with your example.
            Write any three Hash functions and explain.

Section – C

Answer all Questions                                                                                    10 x 2 = 20

  1. What is the use of scope resolution operator?
  2. What is function prototyping?
  3. What is this pointer?
  4. What are manipulators?
  5. Differentiate queue and circular queue.
  6. Write time complexity of heap sort and bubble sort.
  7. What is collision? How can we resolve it?
  8. What is complete binary tree?
  9. Define extended binary tree.
  10. What is dequeue?

IV Semester End Examination Model Paper
II B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-IV
Digital Computer Organization and Introduction to Micro Processor

Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max .Marks:100

Section – A

Answer All Questions                                                                                   5 x 12 = 60

  1. Explain digital logic gate with its truth table.
    1. Write about binary codes.
    2. Explain De-Morgan’s laws.
  1. Simplify the following function with K map technique and implement the logical circuit with NAND gate
F(A,B,C,D) = ∑(1,4,5,6,7,9,11,15)
            Explain universal properties NAND or NOR gates.
  1. Design BCD to Gray code converter circuit.
            a) Design full adder circuit using two half adder circuits.
            b) Design 4 x 1 multiplexer and explain its function.
  1. Explain the functioning of the JK and Master slave flip flop with neat circuit diagram.
Explain the working of bidirectional shift register with neat diagram.
  1. Explain the internal architecture of 8086 microprocessor with neat diagram.
Explain the pin diagram of 8086 microprocessor.

                                                            Section – B
Answer All Questions                                                                                   5 x 4 = 20

  1. Convert the following No.’s into equivalent base
a) (152.25)10…… (?)2  b) (11A.BB) 16……. (?)8
c) (45.74)8…….. (?)2               d) (1111.12)10…… (?)16
            Perform the following 1’s complement subtraction.
            a) 156 -120                  b) 67 – 35

  1. Write about don’t care conditions with example.
            Write about Min and Max Terms.
  1. Explain the function of 3 into 8 decoder circuit.
            Design the BCD adder circuit.
  1. Write applications of counters.
Write a short note on Johnson counter.

  1. Describe different types of microprocessors.
            Compare and contrast 8086,8088,80186 and 80286 microprocessors.

Section – C

Answer all Questions                                                                                    10 x 2 = 20
  1. What is a gate?
  2. Write truth table of 3 input XNOR gate.
  3. Differentiate sequential and combinational circuit.
  4. What is a multiplexer?
  5. Write excitation table of JK flip flop.
  6. What is race condition?
  7. What is register?
  8. What are the pins used for interrupts in 8086?
  9. What is a bus?
  10. What is encoder?
VI Semester End Examination Model Paper
III B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-VIII (Elective)
Data Communication and Networking
Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max Marks: 100

Section – A

Answer All                                                                                         5 x 12 = 60

  1. Explain ISO OSI model in detail.
            Explain network topologies with merits and demerits.
  1. Explain Guided media.
            Explain Time division multiplexing.
  1. Explain implementations of Ethernet.
            Write access methods and frame formats of token ring.
  1. Explain circuit switching.
            Explain functioning of DQDB.
  1. Explain Networking and Internetworking devices.
            Write Link state routing algorithm and explain with an example.

Section - B
Answer All                                                                                         5 x 4= 20

  1. Explain network criteria.
            Explain transmission modes and categories of networks.
  1. Explain analog signals.
            Explain classification of radio wave spectrum.
  1. Write about FDDI.
            Briefly write about Project 802.
  1. Explain packet switching.
            Explain SMDS.
  1. Explain distance vector routing algorithm.
            Write about firewall.
Section -C

Answer All                                                                                         10 x 2 = 20

  1. What is line configuration?
  2. What is hand off?
  3. What is inverse multiplexing?
  4. What is gateway?
  5. Write any two standards organizations.
  6. What is protocol?
  7. Differentiate analog and digital signals.
  8. Define bit rate and bit interval.
  9. What is message switching?
  10. What is WDM?

III Semester End Examination Model Paper
II B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-III

Database Management Systems

Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max .Marks:100

Section – A
Answer All Questions                                                                             5 x 12 = 60

1.      Explain architecture of DBMS.
            Explain the basic constructs of ER diagram.
2.      Explain the different types of relational operators.
            Briefly explain Codd rules.
  1. Explain different types of joins with examples.
            Explain 3NF and BCNF normal forms.
  1. What is an exception? Explain different types of exceptions with examples.
Explain cursor management.
  1. What is a transaction? Explain its properties with examples.
            Explain concurrency control algorithms.

                                                            Section – B

Answer All Questions                                                                             5 x 4 = 20

  1. Write the functions of DBA.
            Write about data models.
  1. Consider the database
Write relational algebra for the following queries
1)      Get supplier name who supply part p2
2)      Get supplier number for supplier who supply red part
            Briefly explain relational calculus.
  1. Write classification of SQL commands.
            Explain aggregate functions with examples.
  1. What is a trigger? Explain types of triggers.
            Explain PL/SQL procedure with example.
  1. Explain scheduling of a transaction.
            Explain dead lock handling

Section – C

Answer all Questions                                                                  10 x 2 = 20

  1. Write any two disadvantages of DBMS.
  2. Define instance and schema.
  3. What is data dictionary?
  4. What is super - key?
  5. Define cardinality and degree of a relation.
  6. List any two SQL string functions.
  7. What is a view? How is it useful?
  8. What is transaction?
  9. Define integrity rules.
  10. List any two cursor attributes.

VI Semester End Examination Model Paper
III B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-VIII (Elective)

Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max .Marks:100

Section – A

Answer All Questions                                                                                   5 x 12 = 60

  1. Explain about spiral model?
            Explain about software measurement.
  1. Explain about decomposition techniques.
            Explain various resources of software Engineering?
  1. Explain various design concepts?
            Discuss the concepts of cohesion and coupling.         .
  1. What is testing? Explain about white box testing.
            Explain basis path testing.
  1. Explain about integration and system testing.
            Explain unit testing and validation testing.

                                                            Section – B

Answer All Questions                                                                                   5 x 4 = 20

  1. Explain about software applications?
            Discuss the RAD model in detail.

  1. Explain about E-R diagrams?
            Explain about DFD’s?
  1. What are the various design principles? Explain?
            Explain about software prototyping.
  1. Explain the black box testing?
            Write a short note on testing tool.
  1. Discuss about debugging?
            Write about automated testing.
Section – C

Answer all Questions                                                                                    10 x 2 = 20

  1. List out the SDLC phases.
  2. What is 4GT?
  3. Define function point.
  4. What is Cardinality?
  5. Define modularity.
  6. What is unit testing?
  7. Define test stub?
  8. Define Cyclomatic Complexity.
  9. What is alpha & beta testing?
  10. Define software myths?

V Semester End Examination Model Paper
III B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-V
Principles of Operating System

Time: 3Hrs                                                                                  Max Marks: 100

Section – A

Answer All Questions                                                                                   5 x 12 = 60

  1. Explain I/O protection, memory protection and CPU protection.
            Explain the OS services and System calls.
  1. Explain the CPU scheduling criteria’s and different scheduling algorithms.
Explain Deadlocks with an example.
  1. Explain the paging Memory Management scheme.
Explain the Virtual Memory with Demand page Memory management scheme.
  1. Explain the different directory structures.
            Explain the Disk Structure and its scheduling procedures.
  1. Explain the different types of system threads.
            Explain the encryption technique

Section – B
Answer All Questions                                                                       5 x 4 = 20

  1. Explain the DMA structure.
            Briefly write about the system programs.
  1. Explain inter process communication.
            Explain the structure of PCB.
  1. Explain the first fit, best fit & worst fit allocation algorithms.
Explain the internal fragmentation and external fragmentation with neat diagram.
  1. Briefly write file allocation methods.
            Briefly write about free space management.
  1. Explain the four levels of security measures.
            Briefly write about Bio-Metrics.
Section – C
Answer All                                                                                         10 x 2 = 20

  1. Define Os.
  2. Define multiprogramming.
  3. What is known as process?
  4. Define Semaphore.
  5. Define paging.
  6. What is known as Thrashing?
  7. What is known as Booting?
  8. What is page fault?
  9. What is known as Virus?
  10. What is known as access?

V Semester End Examination Model Paper
III B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-VI (Elective)

Digital Multimedia
Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max Marks: 100

Section – A
Answer All                                                                                         5 x 12 = 60

  1. Explain Digitization.
            Explain the different computer graphics file formats.
  1. Explain the 3D modeling and rendering techniques.
            Explain the Different Bit Mapped Image Compression technique.
  1. Explain the different color modes and their features.
            Write about the Digital video Editing and post-production.
  1. Explain the captured animation and key framed animation.
            Explain web animation.
  1. Explain the different Digital Sound filters.
            Explain different audio file formats.
Section - B
Answer All                                                                                         5 x 4 = 20

  1. Briefly write about the different hardware and software’s requirements for multimedia.
            Describe three significant differences between vector and bitmapped graphics.
  1. Briefly write about the transformation and filters of vector graphics.
            Explain the resolution of bitmapped images.
  1. Write a short note Color Depth.
            Briefly write about digital video standards.
  1. What is known as virtual reality? Explain it.
            Explain 3D animation.
  1. Briefly write about mp3 and MIDI format.
            Write short notes on sound digitization.

Section -C
Answer All                                                                                         10 x 2 = 20

  1. What is known as multimedia?
  2. What is known as vector Graphics?
  3. What is known as PIXEL?
  4. What is known an anti-aliasing?
  5. What is texture mapping?
  6. What is use of Alpha Channel?
  7. What is known as posterization?
  8. What is known as streamed video?
  9. What is known as sprite animation?
  10. What is known as tweening in animation?
VI Semester End Examination Model Paper
III B.Sc. Computer Science PAPER-VII
Programming with Java
Time: 3Hrs                                                                                             Max .Marks:100

Section – A

Answer All Questions                                                                                   5 x 12 = 60

  1. Explain the features of Java.
            Explain Java program structure with an example.
  1. Explain Java data types with examples.
            Write a java program to multiply two matrices.
  1. Explain implementation of multiple inheritance using an interface with example.
            Explain String methods with examples.         .
  1. Explain the life cycle of a thread with neat diagram.
Explain procedure to create and access a package with example.
  1. Write a java program to create an applet to take user input.
            Write a java program to interact with student database using JDBC.

                                                            Section – B

Answer All Questions                                                                                   5 x 4 = 20

  1. Explain java virtual machine.
            Explain interaction of java with web.
  1. Explain abstract methods with example.
            Write a program to print prime numbers below 100.
  1. Write a program to sort elements in an array.
            Explain vector methods with example.
  1. Explain steps in exception handling.
            Write about priority threads.
  1. Write program to copy characters from one file to another.
            Explain any four drawing methods.

Section – C

Answer all Questions                                                                                    10 x 2 = 20

  1. What is a browser?
  2. Differentiate compiler and interpreter.
  3. What is final class?
  4. Define String buffer class.
  5. What is synchronization?
  6. Define vector.
  7. What is a package?
  8. What are types of errors?
  9. Write any two thread methods.
  10. What is JDK?


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