Wednesday 29 May 2024

INDUSTRY VISIT : Dated 22/12/23

 On December 22, 2023, the Department of Computer Science at Andhra Loyola College organized an educational industry visit for 2nd-year BCA students to the Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) in Vijayawada. The visit aimed to provide students with insights into the functioning of the IT industry, exposure to real-world applications, and an understanding of the latest technologies.

 The industry visit to STPI, Vijayawada proved to be a valuable and enriching experience for the 2nd-year BCA students from Andhra Loyola College. It enhanced their understanding of the IT industry, exposed them to cutting-edge technologies, and provided insights into the professional environment. 

The visit concluded with a sense of inspiration and motivation among the students to pursue excellence in their academic and professional endeavors. It is hoped that such industry visits will continue to be an integral part of the curriculum, fostering a strong connection between academia and industry for the holistic development of students.



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